Basics-Of-Investing Com - Know About Different Types Of Investments And Learn How, When and Where To Invest

Released on: January 4, 2008, 1:59 am

Press Release Author: Ranjitha

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: Investing has become increasingly important over the years,
as the future of social security benefits becomes unknown. People want to insure
their futures, and they know that they can\'t depend on Social Security benefits, and
in some cases retirement plans, which may be a rude awakening when they no longer
have the ability to earn a steady income.

Press Release Body: Bangalore, India 4th January 2008 --- Ranjitha is a leading
stocks and shares investor and she has been an expert about all types of investing
from several years. Recently she has come up with the advanced techniques of online
investing in her new website called

Investing is an act of using money to make more money or it refers to the
accumulation of some kind of assets in hope of getting a future return from it. So
before you start investing, it is very important that you should learn about the
different types of investments, and what those investments can do for you.

Here are three different kinds of investments catering into high risk and low risk.
These include stocks, bonds, and cash.

Sounds simple, right?!!!!

Well, regrettably, it gets very complicated, from here you see, each type of
investment and numerous types of investments that fall under it.

1. Conservative Investing:

Conservative investors often invest in cash. This means that they put their money in
interest bearing savings accounts, money market accounts, mutual funds, US Treasury
bills, and Certificates of Deposit. This is a safe investment for a long period of
time with low risks.

2. Moderate Investing:

Moderate investors often invest in cash and bonds, and may play a vital role in the
stock market. Moderate investing may be low or moderate risks. Moderate investors
often also invest in real estate, providing that it is low risk real estate.

3. Aggressive Investing:

Aggressive investors prefer most of their investing in the stock market, which is
higher risk. They also tend to invest in business ventures as well as higher risk
real estate. For instance, if an aggressive investor puts his or her money into an
older apartment building, then invests more money renovating the property, they are
running a risk. In some cases, this works out just fine, and in other cases, it
doesn't. It's a high risk investment.

Investing is the answer to the unknowns of the future. Understand the risks involved
in investing at and pay attention to past trends as well.
History does indeed repeat itself, and investors know this first hand!

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